too much sh*t for one day

Yep. I don't even know where to begin. Actually I don't really feel like writing it out, so I'll just leave this photo here. That's Jarvis, chilling by my father's feet (and a trash bin) this afternoon.

Note to future me: If you need a reminder of all the shit that went down in the Philippines today, just do a search of all the headlines, trending topics, and related posts for this day. Check your social media timelines, your activity.

As you do this, remember:
  • Keep your anger at bay. 
  • Thank the heroes at the front lines and everyone supporting them.
  • Work in solidarity with others to keep fellow citizens safe.
  • Pray for the fallen and their families.
  • Do your best to stay healthy.
Oh, and never ever vote for Koko Pimentel.
